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WallStreetBets.Top is a cutting-edge platform that provides real-time insights into stock trading by analyzing the sentiment of discussions from the WallStreetBets community on Reddit.

Sample Top WallStreetBets for Today

Ticker Mentions Sentiment Score Daily News Summary
APPL 120 0.85 Apple's stock rose amid positive investor sentiment following a successful product launch.
TSLA 95 0.75 Tesla's shares gained traction after announcing advancements in battery technology.
AMZN 88 0.65 Amazon's market position strengthened after quarterly earnings exceeded expectations.
MSFT 80 0.70 Microsoft's sentiment improved following a major acquisition, signaling growth potential.
GOOGL 70 0.60 Google faced mixed reactions due to regulatory concerns, impacting its stock sentiment slightly.

Fetching Posts from /r/wallstreetbets

We use the Reddit API to fetch posts from the /r/wallstreetbets subreddit.

Extracting Stock Symbols

Our system parses the fetched posts to extract mentions of stock symbols (tickers).

Sentiment Analysis

Use natural language processingto analyze the sentiment of the posts mentioning each ticker, identifying the mood and trends surrounding each stock.

Aggregating Data

The data is then aggregated to identify the 10 most popular stocks mentioned and calculate their average sentiment scores.

Result Table

Finally, the analyzed data is presented here in a user-friendly table format, offering an insightful view into the current market sentiment.